Autor: Elias Teixeira do Nascimento, Mariana Nascimento de Azevedo, Monaliza de Oliveira Almeida, Leonardo Santos Lopes, Carlos Henrique Simões de Sousa, José Guilherme Pereira Peixoto

Resumo: In order to function, the veterinary radiology service must comply with a series of requirements established by the Sanitary Surveillance of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, including ensuring the safety of the team and carrying out the constancy tests of diagnostic Xray equipment to reduce unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation in the veterinarian. The present work was carried out from visits and internet search to verify the number of veterinary clinics that had an X-ray service in the city of Rio de Janeiro during the period from July 2019 to March 2021. The number of veterinary clinics with X-rays grow exponentially and increased inspection is important, as according to LCR data in April 2021, around 36.7% of institutions in the state have expired radioprotection reports. Employers need to be aware of the documentation of the veterinary radiology service and keep them updated, however, the services are poorly monitored by regulatory and inspection authorities. Aiming to increase the safety of these places and reduce the exposure of the veterinarian and other IOE’s to ionizing radiation, it is essential to increase inspection in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro.

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